About Me

I develop mostly in the back-end with my main language being Go. I write my code a very certain way that is a mix of the procedural and functional paradigms. I import packages strictly as well, which means I prefer to use the standard library over any other frameworks, and instead of using Chi, Gin, Echo, etc. I write my program strictly with net/http. And surprisingly my code is still readable
(at least to me).

I'm actually kind of mediocre in the front-end compared my to back-end skills, might just be because I'm lazy and the front-end is a much less cool than the back-end, but I do know how to wire up the front-end with the back-end precisely. I believe I have made decent CSS on my Github page which is also linked above

I try to find the cheapest solutions for anything, and I usually succeed in finding free solutions that provide the same stability as paid solutions. This may just be because of years of programming offline I was conditioned that programming was free. Of course, I've moved on since then and seceded to purchasing my own home servers.

My References

Ilya Volodin

Co-worker in Assemblix

Qasim Abou Taam

Head of Assemblix